Friday, March 13, 2009

Graffiti: When and where you first appear?

graffiti masa kini

Some archeologists say that an age of 20,000 years old paintings on the wall caves in southern France can be called the oldest graffiti in the world. Image paintings of animals and geometric forms of the party most likely merupaka symbol of a clan. While the form of graffiti from the oldest form of any posts originating from the Greek-Roman era. Some of this graffiti can still be found (and read) in the various areas where the former Greek-Roman colony, including Pompeii.

There we will find any posts "quisquis very valeat" which means "Hope for the lucky lass." And "Admiror, paries, te non cecidisse ruinis, qui tot taedia Scriptorium sustineas" which means "I am amazed, the wall, you do not collapse into debris, which you hold so much any posts boring. "